Advanced Digital Workstations
aka "make the band sound like they can play"
Spring 2014
Lecture/discussion meeting times:
Monday and Friday 2:30-4:30
Lecture/discussion meeting room: Simon Building M354
Class Section number: 20626
This Syllabus may be updated throughout
the semester.
For updates check in at the course web page: http://www.wolfgangmichaelsound.com/JSOM/A325/A325_Syllabus.html
Required Text: Pro Tools Manual Set, available on the M354 computer as a PDF or purchase as a hardcopy text.
Final Grades will be figured as follows: | |||
(7 total) |
(5 total including Final) |
Practical Tests (3 total) |
and Participation |
20% |
40% |
30% |
10% |
Grading: At the beginning of the semester each student will create a folder inside the A325 folder on the Pro Tools drive in 354 labeled with their first and last name. Each session must be saved inside this folder. These sessions must be named as "Exercise..." or “Project…”. Retain the original session name as the exercise name, then add your first and last name (for example " Exercise1_MStucker"). Sessions not labeled properly will not be graded until the labeling is corrected. These will then be counted as late. Your session will be graded exactly as it open on the computer in M354. If there are files that the session cannot find, the session will not be graded until fixed, it will then be late. Make sure to open your session after it has been saved. Late projects will lose a letter grade (10 points) per week that they are late. All exercises and projects must be saved as described above for credit.
Exercises will be given full credit if they are turned in on time and saved in the correct location.
Projects will be graded based on the audio quality of the mixes and editing as well as the general success of the edits/project requirements. Project and Exercise grades with comments will be available through the Oncourse grade book.
There will be no final exam for this course. All assignments must be turned in to receive a passing grade for the course.
Course Structure:
The objective of this course is to build students skillset in modern musical editing. The majority of the information for these skills will be delivered to the student through interactive (tutorial type) exercises and example videos. Class time will be used for group work utilizing those skills with discussions of musical and ethical results. Class time will also be used for 3 timed practical tests and one-on-one mentoring time with the instructor.
Exercises: Exercises will be used to guide students through operating certain parts or functions of Pro Tools. They will be "step by step" tutorial type assignments. | ||
1: Rulers and Tempo |
Exercise 4: Beat Detective |
Projects: Projects will give students the opportunity to use their newly acquired skills in real-world situations using existing sessions. | |
1: Give Me Strength- Build song from "bits" given as individual
files. |
A325 Schedule Spring 2014 |
Week |
Date |
Class description |
Assignment and Reading due |
1 |
Jan 13 | Course overview, tempo and rulers, Creating and using Tempo Maps | |
Jan 17 | No Class (new student interviews) | watch video #1 | |
2 |
Jan 20 | No Class (MLK) | watch video #2 |
Jan 24 | shortcut keys and keyboard focus, rex files, looping, region groups,,Tick vs. Sample based tracks, TCE editing | Read chapters 3, 25-29, and 35-38 Exercise 1: Rulers and Tempo Due |
3 |
Jan 27 | Individual time with students: Project #1 | project #1 ready to play for instructor Exercise 2: Editing and Looping Due |
Jan 31 | Individual time with students: Project #1 |
project #1 ready to play for instructor | |
4 |
Feb 3 | Basic Editing Practical Test | |
Feb 7 | No Class (new student interviews) | ||
Rhythmic Editing | |||
5 |
Feb 10 | When to edit, Manual editing | watch video #3 Project 1: Give Me Strength Due |
Feb 14 | More Manual editing | watch video #4 Exercise 3: Manual Editing |
6 |
Feb 17 | Beat Detective | Read chapter 30 |
Feb 21 | Beat Detective/ Elastic Audio | Read chapters 40-41 |
7 |
Feb 24 | Elastic Audio | Exercise 5: Elastic Audio Due |
Feb 28 | Individual time with students: Project 2 (rhythmic editing) | project #2 ready to play for instructor | |
8 |
Mar 3 | Individual time with students: Project 2 (rhythmic editing) | project #2 ready to play for instructor |
Mar 7 | Review Rhythmic Editing | ||
9 |
Mar 10 | No Class (new student interviews) | |
Mar 14 | Rhythmic Editing Practical Test | ||
10 |
Vocal Comping and Mixing | |||
11 |
Mar 24 | Review Rhythmic Editing, play Project 2 | watch video #5 Project 2: Rhythmic Editing on Final Project Due |
Mar 28 | Vocal Comping and editing | Exercise 6: Vocal Comping and Tuning Due | |
12 |
Mar 31 | Choosing Vocal takes, class creates comp map | |
Apr 4 | Autotune | Read Autotune manual pgs 1-62 | |
13 |
Apr 7 | Autotune | |
Apr 11 | Individual time with students: Project 3 (comp and tune) | project #3 ready to play for instructor | |
14 |
Apr 14 | Individual time with students: Project 3 (comp and tune) | project #3 ready to play for instructor watch video #7 |
Apr 18 | Mixing, drum replacement | Exercise 7: Drum Replacement | |
15 |
Apr 21 | Mixing, drum replacement | Project 3: Vocal Comping and Tuning on Final Project Due |
Apr 25 | Comp and Tune Practical Test | ||
16 |
Apr 28 | Individual time with students by appointment: Project 4 (mixing) | |
May 2 | Play Final projects | Project 4: Mixing on final Project Due | |
All assignments must be turned in no later than 12:00 noon (EST) on Friday May 2 to receive credit. |